Competitive Bidding

What is Medicare Competitive Bidding?
The DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program was mandated by Congress through the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA). Under the program, suppliers who operate in a particular competitive bidding area (CBA) are required to submit a bid for selected products. Not all products or items are subject to competitive bidding. Bids are submitted electronically through a web-based application process and required documents are mailed. Bids are evaluated based on the supplier’s eligibility, its financial stability and the bid price. Contracts are awarded to the Medicare suppliers who offer the best price and meet applicable quality and financial standards. Contract suppliers must agree to accept assignment on all claims for bid items and will be paid the bid price amount. The amount is derived from the median of all winning bids for each item.

Premium Consulting's Competitive Bidding Services Include:
  •  Contractor/Subcontract or Agreements
  • Compliance
  • Risk Management
  • Preparing to provide services under competitive bidding
  • Preparing to survive if you do not obtain all desired contracts

 We have proven successful in our methodology, having successfully assisted various of our clients in the first round of the Medicare Competititive Bidding, the rebid of the first round of Medicare Competitive Bidding, the second round of Medicare Competitive Bidding and the recompete of the first round areas.
We understand that this process if filled with more questions than answers but by working with a limited number of clients in each round we are able to provide our clients one-on-one attention to guide them through the process.
Let us use the experience we have gained from successfully working with clients in every round of competitive bidding so far to help you put together the pieces of this very confusing puzzle to ensure that your company is prepared when it comes time for us to submit your bid. The future success of your company depends on a positive outcome, do not take chances on your future.

Competitive Bidding 2021

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is conducting the Round 2021 competition for 16 product categories. This round of competition consolidates the competitive bidding areas (CBAs) that were included in Round 1 2017 and Round 2 Recompete. Round 2021 will include 130 CBAs.

Important Dates:

May 2019
* CMS announces dates for registration and bidding
* CMS begins bidder education program
June 2019
* Bidder registration period to obtain user IDs and passwords begins
* Bid window opens

Some of the things that are different for round 2021

(1) Included in Round 2021 are off-the-shelf (OTS) back braces, OTS knee braces, and non-invasive ventilators.

(2) Not included in Round 2021 is a national mail-order (NMO) program for diabetes testing supplies.

(3) Bidders must obtain a $50,000 bid surety bond for each CBA for which they submit a bid. 

(4) CMS is implementing the lead item pricing methodology for all items included in the product categories. 

(5) The Single Payment Amount for a lead item is equal to the maximum bid submitted for that item by bidders whose lead item bids are equal to or below the pivotal bid for that product category in a CBA.

(6) All required documents that accompany the bid(s) must be uploaded. No documents are to be mailed, hand delivered, etc. 

Email me at if you would like more information on how we assist our clients through this process and how to reserve a spot to work with us on for the next round of the bid. Spots are limited.

Our system for assisting clients with competitive bidding only allows for us to take on a certain number of clients per round. This is the only way we feel we can be most effective in providing the quality of service our clients have come to know. In order to have our assistance in preparing your bid please contact me as soon as possible at to reserve your spot for the upcoming round.  We look forward to working with you.